Why Donate?
Your donation is put directly towards programming and allows Our Place to constantly improve the programs that are offered in a way that is responsive to the changing needs of its membership.
Your donations could support the following essential elements to the work of Our Place:
You will be redirected to the
St. Michael's Homes donation page
$15 buys a hat, gloves and scarf included in one person’s Christmas present.
$50 covers the costs to facilitate weekly sessions such as our Mental Health Peer Discussion Groups.
$150 buys a week of dinners - 250 meals - supporting good eating habits.
$500 buys six months’ worth of supplies for the art program.
Many people also support Our Place by generously donating their time. Click here if you are interested in volunteer opportunities with Our Place.​
Direct Giving - Mail
A donation can be sent by mail to:
St. Michael's Homes
262 Gerrard St. East.
Toronto, ON M5A 2G2
Identify that the donation is for the Our Place Community of Hope program in the note on the cheque and the funds will be used for Our Place. A charitable donation tax receipt will be sent to you for any amount over $5.00.
Direct Giving - Online
Click here to be redirected to the St. Michael's Homes' donation page that will allow you to make a donation directly to Our Place Community of Hope or to St. Michael's Homes. To make a donation for the Our Place program, select Our Place Community of Hope in the drop down menu on the donation page.
Direct Giving - Online - in honor of Emma B.
Click here to be redirected to the St. Michael's Homes' page to make a dedicated donation in Emma's honor to the Our Place Community of Hope program. To make a donation for the Our Place program, select Our Place Community of Hope in the drop down menu on the donation page.
A huge thank you to Emma's family and former classmates that worked with us to put together a donation goal of $1000.00, which will support the arts and crafts program for a year! A donation of $50.00 is suggested, but everything is appreciated. As of August 2nd, we have raised over $1450.00! Emma participated in our arts program and created beautiful pieces. You can find her floral painting in the Art Show section of our Media page. We know her memory continues on at Our Place through the art program and in our community garden through pink flowers that have been planted in her memory!
Payroll Contribution
Does your workplace have a charitable payroll contribution system? Whether through United Way, or any other payroll giving, you can direct that giving (or a portion) to Our Place, via St. Michael's Homes - registered charity # 107949893 RR0001
Planned Giving
A planned gift is a charitable donation provided during a donor's lifetime but the payments are not received until sometime in the future. The Planned Giving program encourages donors to consider the possibility of supporting Our Place Community of Hope through, for example, a will or as a beneficiary of life insurance.
The work of Our Place has benefited substantially from a number of individuals who have remembered us in their wills. We thank them and their families greatly.

Rest in Peace Emma - gone, but never forgotten.

Thank you!
We thank you for your continued generosity that enables us to continue to support people living with mental illness.